Oat Milk (Subscribe)
Packed with a surprising amount of protein and imbued with that familiar flavor from healthy childhood breakfasts, we love Oat Milk.
When we went to buy some at the store, we were positively shocked to see “rapeseed oil” and other oils in the ingredients to add creamy fat to an otherwise low fat plant-based milk.
Like all our plant-based milks, we sweeten with dates and include a full cup of oats for every three cups of water. Now, everybody can enjoy high quality Oat Milk without having to make it at home.
Packed with a surprising amount of protein and imbued with that familiar flavor from healthy childhood breakfasts, we love Oat Milk.
When we went to buy some at the store, we were positively shocked to see “rapeseed oil” and other oils in the ingredients to add creamy fat to an otherwise low fat plant-based milk.
Like all our plant-based milks, we sweeten with dates and include a full cup of oats for every three cups of water. Now, everybody can enjoy high quality Oat Milk without having to make it at home.
Packed with a surprising amount of protein and imbued with that familiar flavor from healthy childhood breakfasts, we love Oat Milk.
When we went to buy some at the store, we were positively shocked to see “rapeseed oil” and other oils in the ingredients to add creamy fat to an otherwise low fat plant-based milk.
Like all our plant-based milks, we sweeten with dates and include a full cup of oats for every three cups of water. Now, everybody can enjoy high quality Oat Milk without having to make it at home.