
Groups like Georgia Cooperative Development Center have helped us make sure that we have prices that make sense.

Aside from the store markups on all food products, we have to charge so much more than low-quality non-dairy milks simply because we make a much higher quality plant-based milk.

Most nut milks contain just 2% nuts. We’re giving you 25% in Unsweetened Pecan Milk.

The same amount of real food is in Sweetened but we just add dates, which is more expensive than normal sugar.

By buying cheaper non-dairy milks with thickening additives, you are getting far less value for your dollar. That is: you’re paying way more per nut or per oat and are essentially paying for a lot of water.

We are confident in our prices because we are confident in our quality. As working class folks, ourselves, we understand that sometimes food products can be too expensive even if we value the quality. In those instances, we direct you to our page on how to make plant-based milk.

When you support Pecan Milk Cooperative, you support members of marginalized communities, like Black and LGBT folks. We have a hard-working team that hand-makes high-quality milk for you.
