
Our co-op

Pecan Milk Cooperative, LLC was founded in pecan season (around November) 2014. Exactly two years later, we sold fresh pecan milk for the first time at the East Atlanta Village Farmer’s Market. The following year, we were accepted into over a dozen Atlanta area farmer’s markets (Piedmont Park, Decatur, Sandy Springs, etc.).

These days, Atlantans can find pecan milk at independent grocery stores and coffee shops or delivered to their door just like the nostalgic milk-man (or woman/person).


pecan milk

There’s a deceitful yet rampant industry recipe for dairy-free milk alternatives. It’s a cheap recipe with just a few almonds, soybeans, or whatever with added thickeners: locust bean gum, carageenan, gellan gum, lecithin, guar gum, and so forth. Those thickening agents make up for a pitiful lack of real substance. Several countries regulate nut milk makers to confess how many nuts are actually in their concoctions; it’s just two percent (2%).

None of the dairy-free milks hand-crafted by Pecan Milk Cooperative include any thickening agents. Instead, we use a large amount of real Georgia pecans!

All-natural pecan milk allows for the pecans and water to separate naturally as nothing binds them together. Shake it like a Polaroid picture.